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Mother to Teacher

My previous role description no longer suits the current situation. Now more than ever I am fulfilling my role as a leader and a teacher. I feel right now we are all being called to step up, knowing ourselves deeper and sharing our gifts as they serve us in this moment in time.

While being off of work we are getting into a totally new schedule. This whole time has been about transitioning and adapting… changing old ways of doing things so they are effective for the now. Or sometimes letting go of things completely to make room for something totally new, like with the online learning!

Not only is a new chapter beginning in my teaching career, but also in my role as mother.  Previously, as mother I would come home and spend time playing and doing fun things with the kids. Also making them do their chores and holding them accountable for completing the work their teachers gave them.

My previous role description no longer suits the current situation. Now more than ever I am fulfilling my role as a leader and a teacher. I feel right now we are all being called to step up, knowing ourselves deeper and sharing our gifts as they serve us in this moment in time.

Having a career as a teacher gives me a slight advantage over this home e-learning business, however it is also proving to be challenging. There is a HUGE difference between teaching students in school every other day, and teaching your own children in your home, while being with them all day every day, 24/7.  I am feeling for those parents who are not natural educators. If you are charting the new territory of teaching, here are few tips:

  1. Breathe, what’s important is not necessarily what you are teaching, but that you are getting your kids to think!
  2. Learning can happen in all ways, not just in a school type setting where kids sit still at a desk and do their work. Think of different ways to incorporate learning into the things you are already doing.
  3. Create a schedule or structure that you and your kids can agree upon. My kids aren’t waking up by an alarm, we have let them wake up on their own, but once they are up they get themselves ready for the day and then begin their school work for the day.
  4. Be flexible and adapt!
  5. Don’t take things personally.
  6. Let most things go!
  7. Remember to smile <3
  8. Give lots of hugs!
  9. Take a break.
  10. Remember to breathe

<3 Be well

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