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May Flower Full Moon

May Flower Moon

The fifth moon of Creation is Flower Moon, where all plants display their Spirit sides for all the world to see. This life giving energy is one of the most powerful healing medicines on Mother Earth. During this moon we are encouraged to explore our own Spiritual essences.

The Circle of Turtle Lodge

Of course tonight is a full moon… the energies around us have been strange and complex.  The moon is in Scorpio constellation in the sky at the moment, which helps us get in touch with our intimate, authentic self and to live in the truth.

Full moon energy shines light on things that no longer serve our life purpose. Through the power of intention, we release those things in order to make room for the new. Change is the only constant in our experience… so why not create change with intention?!

This full moon brings extra clarity and power of will into our lives, in order to release and let go of the old in order to make room for the beautiful gifts ahead.

Transform through surrender.

The Wesak Moon is known as the celebration of Vesak  (Buddha Day) in Buddhist traditions, and it is one of the most significant and auspicious festivals of the Buddhist year. It takes place on the fourth full moon of the Chinese lunar calendar, and this year it falls on May 10th.

Vesak is a celebration of Buddha’s journey, which encompasses his birth, nirvana (attainment of enlightenment), and parinirvana (ascent/death). Theravadan Buddhists believe that all three of these events occurred on the same day.

-Elephant Journal

Interesting that in Buddhism, today is celebrated as the most powerful full moon of the year, bringing with it a new wave of awakening light! I knew there was a reason the energy around feels very intense.

The sabian symbol of the Full Moon is “Obeying his conscience, a soldier resists orders”. The message of the sabian symbol is: sometimes you have to assert your values, your truth, even if you have to face the consequences of your decision, no matter the cost. You have to stay true to yourself, no matter what. This is the ultimate freedom. And the only one we really have.

-Astro Butterfly

Now is the time to love each part of your being, light and dark. It is about being you to the fullest, and living your truth no matter what.

 Personally, this energy has been impacting me tremendously.  I have felt in my being these very words before they were ever read. Being true to myself and connecting with source to remind myself I Am Divine. This is a journey to the Divine.

To work with this energy through intention, you can write out all of the things you know are hindering you from your life’s purpose and then burn them, releasing them to source. You can write down what your authentic self looks like. You can take a bath and meditate or listen to a wonderful full moon ceremony online.  This beautiful woman, Sage Goddess, does full moon ceremonies live streaming online, and tonights is going to be fantastic!

Surrender and release

<3 Migwetch
Raine Dawn