Art Class Existence

I can and I WILL…

Wow, September just FLEW by!! I was absent the first two weeks of school because of a family emergency, my other half is feeling a lot better today. Not being at work those days was a big challenge for me, not only with taking care of Theo, but missing school. Its tough when you’re gone for one day let alone eight! There is an energy to being a teacher and starting school, and when I finally returned to work I had to mentally prepare myself to have that same energy so my students wouldn’t miss out on all the amazing things I had planned just because the plan didn’t go the way I thought it would.

I am totally enjoying my students. We are having a wonderful time exploring and experimenting. The energy in the classroom studio buzzes with excitement and creative thinking. So far the worst part of my day is when school is over and I have to wait for the next day. Seeing the progress they are making on their projects and with their artistic expression brings me such joy!

Students are currently completing their name tags which will be inserted into plastic sleeves that will be adhered to their lockers! Every student in the building will have a plastic sleeve attached to their lockers to share their art, good grades or just a positive message.

The GT 8th grade art class just completed their first sketchbook homework assignment; use every material in their exploration packets to create a piece of art. Students needed to also come up with one new technique for using a material.

Students also have more blended learning, the 6th grade class has started our lighthouse digital conversion this year. Each student has a device with them every day.  This has been wonderful in the art studio. Students are able to look up reference images that they might need to help them with their projects, or even just listen to music while they work.

Our school system is starting a new objective statement for what the students will do in class. They are call the “I can” statements. I believe the I can statements are a great start, but without the will to do what you know you can do…nothing would ever get done! “I will” means I can and I am going to. I want to and I can!  That is what being a C.E.E.Q.E.R. is all about, knowing we can and then putting the effort into doing. Creating, Exploring, Experimenting, Questioning, Expressing and Reflecting.

Existence Southern York

Grow with Me Chalkboards…

Grow with me, Chart me or Birthday chalkboard…what ever you might call them…they are awesome.  I recently started creating them when a coworker asked if I would make her son a Dr. Seuss themed chalkboard for his 1st birthday photoshoot.

Text, Art and Painting OH MY FAVORITE! I jumped on the opportunity right away. I simply love making art for people when they have an idea they really want, there is a sense of excitement I really enjoy seeing in people when they see their ideas come to life! It fills me up.


After I completed the board I posted a picture online in a group I belong to, and received another order! This time it was a girly horse themed board. For this board I pretty much had free reign on how I designed it. I only received a few images of horses and lace that my client wanted so I was able to implement a lot of my own design ideas.


I am very pleased with how it turned out! I love the lace the mother chose. Now I have another order from a friends mother for a little boy “non themed” board. I am working on the sketches now, it needs to be completed soon because his birthday party is October 10th, which just happens to be my birthday!

Art Class Southern York Wine and Painting Party

Learning to Paint…

Ive decided to go at the paint nights from a little different angle. Instead of covering up our mistakes with wine, we will learn to paint and then create our own masterpiece using the techniques! My most recent endeavor is “Learn to paint: Tree edition”.  I created multiple examples of how we can blend colors to create different skies, and use dark values to create silhouettes in the foreground.

The next Learn to Paint session is on October 11th, 2015 from 2-5 at The Stone Mill 1792. We will be exploring blending colors, and making trees. I hope those attending will bring ideas for their piece so I can assist them in creating something they’ve always wanted.

Art Class Existence

Be a C.E.E.Q.E.R.

A while back I started reflecting on the different ways of learning that I have experienced throughout my life. I found that I am constantly creating, exploring, experimenting, questioning, expressing and reflecting. These six stages of experiencing have helped me grow personally and I can only imagine the benefits my students will receive from their implementation in my classroom!

As an artist and art educator, I’ve always done these six things, but having an organized structure to them has really brought me to a higher comprehension of how I can use each to get the most out of my experience of life.

Be a life learner

The C.E.E.Q.E.R. is an acronym model which can be used by both teachers and students in solution finding, in order to foster a student centered learning environment.

  • Creating is recognizing the need or desire for new ideas in solving problems.
  • Exploring represents an uninhibited approach to finding solutions. The key to exploration is providing freedom and space for integrating past experiences and available resources.
  • Experimenting takes explorations and applies them practically as a solution; Ideas explored in a controlled scenario.
  • Questioning is used to critically challenge novel solutions and/or ideas.
  • Expression is the ability to share discoveries and demonstrate the results.
  • Reflecting is a final step used to take a workable solution and grow with it. It can also be a way to measure a solution’s effectiveness, while still acknowledging ideas have room to grow.

Be a teacher

C.E.E.Q.E.R. reinforces 21st century learning skills through the application critical thinking, problem solving and reflection.

I believe in this model with all of my being. I personally strive to be a ceeqer every day!


Existence Most Popular

…Characters are not fake…

We all play roles…every day.

The earth is one giant theatre, and each person is a character of a theatrical performance we are all in, called Life.

Everyone in every moment is playing some role.
Whether its sister, daughter, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend, lawyer, doctor, teacher, student, neighbor…
and on and on, it is a role, a persona/perspective/filter that we put on.
We act differently in every situation
Different situations would be like the different scenes of a play!
The choices we make in those situations would be determined by
the characters interaction with and connection to the situation.
Many things are accounted for, such as emotional, mental and physical states
The whole profile of the character must be know in order to play the part to the fullest…

So what do we do now that we know this?
Good question!

But an even better one would be….
Who is writing my Roles!?
Who is determining what my characters say and do?
Am I the creator of this Play?

AM I the creator of this play? Can I take charge and make the decisions I need to make to be the best at this part as I possibly can? Or better yet…AM I taking charge? AM I deciding the roles I want to play and how I want to play them?

There is only one answer…

Create roles and thoughts and ideas
Create paintings and drawings and doodles
Create stories and music
Create inspiration and wonder

Create life.

If you are creating what your heart desires…in flow with your true vibrations,
then you are in flow with the universe and you will be the I AM of your CREATION.

~Raine Dawn