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Meditative Mandalas

Mandalas are one of my all time favorite things to create.

Each mandala resonates its own energy.

When creating a mandala, I meditate with the certain energy

Putting my intentions into each piece.

Each color is chosen to be symbolic, as are the designs.

Representing the movement of energy.

Mandala means sacred circle, and represents all of life above and below.

Art Art Class Divine I Am Earth Education Existence Green Lifestyle Most Popular

Nature Mandalas


6th graders went outside and created nature mandalas with our student teacher Anne Scott, which were inspired by Morning Altars artist Day Schildkret…

I have quite an unusual mission: To make impermanent earth art every day. Ever since I was five years old, I have been creating art with the flowers, leaves, berries, and bark right outside my front door. This has always been a way for me to feel connected, both to my imagination and the whole earth. About five years ago, after a big break-up with my partner, I started this as a daily mindfulness practice to heal my heart, help me feel gratitude, connect with the earth and make meaning in my life. However, this art wanted to have a life of its own. Over the last decade, I have created over a thousand small and large earth installations that have inspired an international movement of people to get outside and make earth art. I even have a book coming out this October! And, here’s the unique thing: Every single piece of art I have made no longer exists and that is its power: Learning how ephemeral life truly is and to love what is here right now.

Students watched a video where Day describes a little about the process of morning altars and how it can transform our perspective.  Then we went outside and walked the land to gather our own natural elements.  We also provided the students with flowers, beans and strings. My student teacher lead the students to create group nature mandalas!

This was such an awesome day for this assignment. The sun was shining and it felt like spring.  The outdoor classroom tables and benches that were created by George Washington Carver Center for the Arts students created were the perfect place for the groups to work.

Each team member of the group had to direct a specific ring of the mandala, sharing with the students how to place the materials.  I found that a few groups decided on all rings together, while others really stuck to the one ring per person.

When it was time to clean up, the students were sad and disappointed that they had to clean up their mandala. Taking a picture of their mandalas before they cleaned them, seemed to relieve their anxiety of having to disassemble it.

Check out the video we made!


Earth Month is off to a great start!!


Art Class Existence Most Popular Southern York Wine and Painting Party

Mandalas for Beginners

The last learn to paint session I held was on circle designs. Participants learned about mandalas and techniques to create their own one of a kind sacred circle. This session was a bit different than my other learn to paint parties. Each guest was able to choose from an array of supplies to complete their art. There were even multiple resources artists could look through for inspiration! It was truly a unique and amazing experience.


The word “mandala” Sanskrit translated to mean “circle.” It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself. Describing both material and non-material realities, the mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community.

I prefer to call it a Sacred Circle, one that was created with purpose by the artist and has meaning to the viewer.

If you want to begin your journey creating your own mandalas, all you have to do is start by setting your intentions.

What do you hold sacred, what resonates with you?

Once you have a few things listed, create symbols to represent those things. The symbols do not have to be recognizable and do not need to be understood by anyone other than yourself. The viewer will make their own interpretation of what they feel it means for them.

My only suggestions for materials are paper, a compass, ruler, pencil and eraser. Go from there and create something beautiful, adding colors how you wish, with whatever materials resonate with you.

Another added layer could be to research the meanings of certain colors words, and symbols that represent the energy and intent you have for your creation. For example: if you wish create a mandala to show love, you might us the color green, as the heart chakra color is green.

<3 Love and light