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Solar Eclipse, the relationship between the sun and moon…

“Waynaboozhoo remembered the time that his Grandmother’s spirit talked with him from her home on the Moon. She told him that the Sun would give him a sign that would explain the relationship between the Sun and Moon….”
-The Mishomis Book by Edward Benton-Banai

The Moon, as woman
The Sun, as man
Come together and honor their relationship

When the shadow begins to creep over the face of the Sun…
When the shadow grows and the light of the Earth becomes less and less…
When the sun appears again with a flash, light gradually returning to Earth…

All women and men have responsibilities to each other
Even in the midst of all our earthly tasks….

The harmony of the entire Creation…
How the stars, moons and planets are placed in a sacred order with a sacred purpose…
Just as the Moon allows the Sun to rest, just for a moment…
Remember to not take any part of Creation for granted…

Especially your own part
In this amazing play called
