Existence Most Popular

Traveling through Time and Space

The moment when you have to choice.
The moment when you have to decide.
That moment is the countdown to blast off.

We are in a time when we are seeing things differently and working through, what we now realize, things we are holding on to that no longer serves us on our journeys.

We are traveling.
Each of us is taking a road trip through time and space.
Each of us comes across different things along our path.
We each are touched by different variables in every experience.
No one experience will ever be the same as another.

As we travel we pass signs, land marks, people and places.
As we each travel, things come and go.

The key to growth is learning and experiencing new things.


Do we stay in one place after that place has served its purpose

Take a gas station for example…
our traveling has caused us to need to stop and get gas.
We find our favorite gas station ever.
We do not want to continue traveling
Worried we might not ever get a gas station as good as this one.

So we give up our journey,
to continue to enjoy this place that we KNOW makes us feel how we like.
We give up the very thing that has gotten us to the gas station in the first place.

The journey.

If we stay attached to the gas station, we won’t need it any longer.
If we leave the gas station, we have to deal with the unknown

Life is about the journey,
About finding and experiencing all of the amazing gifts,
and learning lessons along the way.

The journey is to our self.
The journey is back to source,
The journey is uncovering who we are.

Raine Dawn