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12/05/2016: Response to Army and ETP/SXL statements — Standing Rock Medic + Healer Council

via 12/05/2016: Response to Army and ETP/SXL statements — Standing Rock Medic + Healer Council

Existence Most Popular Revealing Treasures in your Own Backyard

The Journey to Balance

All that is happening in this world right now is to open our eyes to the middle way.

Its all about balance.

The fear induced by the Trump presidency, the Love shown by the water protectors at Standing Rock, and the sovereignty of self which is being recognized by all the people of this beautiful world.

Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Even distribution of weight, of power….To remain upright and steady… to me this has many meanings. Upright in our ways of living together and loving one another through brotherhood… Steady in our quest to know ourselves.

This happens when each of us takes responsibility for our part in this play.
Knowing our part starts by first knowing ourselves, who we are and what we will.

Only then can we come together in brotherhood allowing each to be as we are, effectively communicating ourselves to each other so that we can live in harmony.

Trump isn’t bad, Hillary isn’t bad… the current governmental system isn’t bad. Look at all the beautiful things we have from its structure. Yes there are things that are not so beautiful but it is our perspective of these things and the imbalance of power that holds us back.

So I question then… Why is there an imbalance of power and where does it come from?  And I know the answers are always within… so I question… what can we do to take back our power… our self sovereignty?

We must first know our selves… we must know who we are, which will lead us to knowing our own power… before we can truly know what it means to be self sovereign.

Oil isn’t bad, power isn’t bad… don’t you see all the amazing things we have from this technology and structure?  Are you truly grateful for all the things you use everyday that are made from oil and all the things you have because people know their power? How then can we say oil and power are bad?

What is bad is the lack of balance and  the inability to effectively communicate who we are and what we will.  This keeps us from being able to live harmoniously… and by “we and us” I mean all of human race. If we all knew who we were, and took back our power, we could easily celebrate each others differences and learn and grow from one another… we would no longer live in fear of each other because we would see how amazing we are, and know that we could find the solution to any problem if we worked together.

Harmony starts within ourselves first… we must be harmonious with who we are and where we’ve come from. Our self is the only person we have the ability to instantly change… if EACH of us takes responsibility for ourselves, our minds, words and actions, then and only then will we flow.   


Raining in the Dawn Woman