Art Class Existence

NAEA 2015 Convention in NOLA

At the end of March I had the opportunity to attend the National Art Education Association Convention in New Orleans! It was an amazing experience full of inspiration and innovative ideas.


The theme was “The Art of Design: Form, Function, and the Future of Visual Arts Education,” and what better mentor to speak on the art of design but Tim Gunn! Honesty, I had only seen a few seasons of project runway when it first came on television and yeah I thought he was an interesting part of the show, but I no longer spend my time watching television. I had no ideas as to what he would talk about… but when Tim Gunn began to speak about his life and what he truly felt about art education it was refreshing and inspirational… exactly what I needed to hear.


Telling the truth




Hoping for the best

This is Tim Gunn’s philosophy to becoming better teaching, learning and life. He talks about how the goal for his new book, Tim Gunn: the Natty Professor, Mastering class on mentoring, motivating, and making it work, is to start a national conversation about teaching. His use of personal stories with personal philosophy, and the philosophies of the great teachers he has come into contact with really helps a teacher to remember why they became an educator.

Talk about a great start to the weekend! After purchasing Tim’s book, and getting him to sign it, the weekend was on! I absorbed as much as I could, and got as many resources as possible! There were so many great sessions and so much new information to take back to my school! The exhibit hall was amazing as well, I had time to clear my mind and be creative! Painting glasses, and ceramic tiles. Using new art supplies to make name badges and pins!

I met some wonderful people while I was there, some I knew online only and some I had just met! The atmosphere of New Orleans was uplifting! I ran into Nic Hahn, an amazing art educator, mom and blogger!  I also met a few travelers and a celtic palm reader named Oscar.

The Food Festival was happening in the French Market! It was a beautiful dance of people, food, music and crafts. The day was warm with a nice breeze, the perfect weather for tamales and cheese grits.